Thursday, July 26, 2007


We all have to start somewhere. I have had this blog awaiting my attention now for almost 8 months. Stuck in the perfectionist dance, I have not yet found that "perfect" first post. You know, the ONE that starts it all. But for the past 2 weeks a peculiar word has caught my eye: BEGINNING. It has come up in many conversations, quotes, movies, and emails. To Begin. And isn't this a constant state - that of starting something, entering a new phase, transitioning?

In my life a beginning has always been the loyal friend of an ending. And in this knowing has come a great peace that in the shadow of something coming to a close is usually a beam of light shining from an open door. This pierce of hope shines as a beacon inviting me to step through to the next level, into the next foreign land that holds the mystery of my next life lessons.

My dear friend Webster (and his trusty Dictionary) tells me that one definition of "beginning" is "to come into being." And so it is, I find myself back in this fluid place of "being and becoming." No stagnancy. No certainty. Nothing going stale here!

In some indigenous traditions turkey vulture teaches us about death and rebirth. Where I live, these birds hover and twirl on the coastal breezes. Gratefully, I am often reminded that there is never an ending that is not serving as food for a beginning, a new birth. The dance of letting go and taking flight. The rhythm of soaring and grounding. The balance of being and becoming.

So maybe this is the perfect (there's that word again) introduction to what I dream this blog can be: a space of exploration* and dis-covering (as my friend Kyle likes to say) more of what this journey of being and becoming is all about.

I invite you to share sips of what I am drinking in along the way. May you find some refreshment for your own soul travels. I am delighted and honored to have you join me on this JOURNEY...

*"exploration - the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn more about it" (Oxford American Dictionaries, online)

1 comment:

Aileen said...

Heather. What an eloquent and inspired way to begin your blog. You have a beautiful way with words. I can't wait to read more of your blog.
All the best!