Saturday, January 8, 2011

Motherly Advice

My dear sister-friend Lisa Redfern (talented singer-songwriter of the album pictured above: shared this on Facebook today. She found it in a card that her mom had written to her in 1992. In the card her mom, Sandy, a beautiful teacher, artist and mother of 3 phenomenal kids, had listed "Life Advice" for my friend. I was so deeply touched by it, I requested permission to share her advice with you all. Its simplicity caught my breath, and especially since all these years later, it stills sings in such a universal language. Thank you Sandy for the legacy you left for all of us. You are cherished. And so are you, my dear Lisa.

Here is Sandy's sound advice in the nice round number of 10:
1) Begin each day with your favorite music
2) Don't postpone joy
3) Be kinder than necessary
4) Always be on time
5) Take good care of your loved ones
6) Whistle
7) Don't drive on bad tires
8) Learn to make something beautiful with your hands

9) Surprise a neighbor with a hot dish

10) Remember I love you.

***PLEASE NOTE: The wonderful CD design is by the brilliant Holly Strelow: Check both of these luscious, inspiring ladies (Holly and Lisa) out!

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