Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nothing But the Whole World to Gain

Nothing But the Whole Wide World to Gain

Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries.
—Theodore Roethke

I have wanted to tear down the walls
that fear built, even to shatter the window glass,
so that there would be nothing between us,

no artifice to keep us from meeting,
defenseless me to defenseless you. And I’ve wanted
to take the bare skin away, too, as if even

this human husk is too much in the way
of communion. I have wanted to take you inside
me and to be wholly inside you. Your blood

my blood and your breath my breath.
Is it crazy to say I would erase
myself? Not even a line left

to separate me from you. That’s
how connected I want to be. That’s
how vast I believe we might love—

our atoms comingling, our quarks combined—
that’s what I mean when I say
I am willing to be vulnerable

with you, to collapse all the space
between us and then as one proceed,
to walk and walk with you and never stop.

~Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Rosemerry is a wondrous weaver of words. Please check out her wealth of poetry. She is also for hire and does wonderful "playshops" freeing the poet in every man, woman and child!

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