Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Place You Are Seeking Is Seeking You

This is the inspirational thought that has shown up on my radar twice within the last 72 hours. Often when we are searching for something - whether it be a job, a home, a partner, experiencing motherhood or fatherhood, freedom, wholeness - when we are looking for these things, we most often approach them in a unilateral direction. We set out as the thing we need is out there and static and somehow we need to "find" it.

What if we understood that when we set out to find anything, with our motive is pure and our intent is for progress, the very thing that we are seeking is also seeking us? Think about it. We set out to find a job that is a good fit for us and the skills and gifts we have to offer. Wouldn't it make sense that the job which could use those same qualities and aptitudes, the workplace that would be a good fit for us would also be served by having someone who is a good fit?

I have been praying with this idea and it has been a brilliant teacher. Thought I'd share some of the love!


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